Removing a Stuck Organization Assets Library in SharePoint

If you’ve ever found yourself stuck with an organization assets library in SharePoint that won’t go away, even after the site it was created on has been deleted, you’re in the right place. Normally, you’d use the Remove-PnPOrgAssetsLibrary command, but it needs the -LibraryUrl parameter, which we can’t get if the site is gone. Don’t worry – I’ve...

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Changing the Access Requests Settings of a SharePoint Online site with JavaScript (JSOM)

Recently I got a requirement from a client that wanted to be able to modify the **Access Requests Settings **of a SharePoint online site to: Prevent users from Sharing the site and individual files and folders. Prevent users from inviting others to the site members group. Prevent non authorized users from sending access requests. This needed...

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Linking a custom column to the Item and the Item Menu on SharePoint

Sometimes, you might want to link a custom column to a SharePoint list item and item menu rather than the default Title column. This post will show how to link any column to a SharePoint item and to achieve it using JavaScript and the SharePoint Client Object Model. There are four properties from the SPField class that need to be modified in or...

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Moving/copying files between SharePoint libraries with JavaScript

An easy way to copy or move files with JavaScript between SharePoint libraries within the same site is using the methods copyTo and moveTo from the SP.File class. Both functions receive the same first parameter, which is the future URL of the document to be moved/copied, but the second parameter is different. In the case of the moveTo funct...

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Setting the document template for a content type in SharePoint Online with PowerShell

In my previous post, apart from creating a content type using PowerShell, I also showed a way of setting the document template of the content type. In that scenario I used a document template already uploaded into a normal SharePoint document library. In this post, I’m going to demostrate another way to set the document template of a content typ...

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